This league is designed for all levels. The league operates in a draft style format, so each team will contain a mix of all players skills, with all teams being very close in overall skill level. This creates a fun and competitive playing environment, great for players who may not have a team to play with regularly, for players looking to play an extra night of the week, and a great way to meet new people.
- When registering for the Draft League (DL), players will be required to list their skill level, the number of years playing the sport, and if they would like to be a team captain.
- Once registration for the league has closed a lottery will take place to select the team captains (from all that indicated they would like to captain a team).
- DL will hold it's Draft Night, where all players will participate in an organized scrimmage conducted by the Iceplex Hockey staff.
- Each of the team captains will observe the scrimmage, as a means of observing all of the players available for the draft.
- Immediately following the scrimmage, the DL will conduct an organized draft where each team captain will read off their rosters.
- Once completed, the team rosters will be announced, as well as the team names, which each team captain will be allowed to select (either by themselves or with consultation from their new teammates).
- Jerseys will then be handed out to each team, which are provided by the DL for all players to use for the season, and keep at the conclusion of the season.
- The DL will be restricted in not only player skill, but also in the number of teams competing (no more than four total). Each team will have no less than 11 players per roster (10 players and 1 goaltender), but no more than 15 players (14 players and 1 goaltender).
- The regular season will consist of 4 games, and upon completion, the top two teams will play in a championship game, with the other teams playing a consolation game.